At Church Street Montessori, we make every effort to provide a learning environment that is safe, friendly and intellectually stimulating. We like our school to be the home-away-from-home for our young children where they feel comfortable to be free, explore and learn.
We recognize that this can only be achieved when everyone in the school community (parents, students, teachers, volunteers and other staff) abide by applicable laws, school’s policies, regulations and code of conduct as well as can count on one another to share the space amicably and treat each other with courtesy, dignity and respect.
The following outlines Church Street Montessori’s Code of Conduct for all the members of the school community and it is based on the Code of Conduct for Safe Schools published by the Ontario Ministry of Education.
The School’s Code of Conduct apply not only to the administrator, students, teachers and other staff of the School but also to all others in the School community – parents, guardians, volunteers, suppliers and other business associates of the School, whether they are on the school property, at school authorized events or activities, or in school vehicles.
- Education is the shared responsibility of parents, teachers and the child and both the parents and the School share the task of promoting the academic, social and emotional development of our children.
- Children learn best in a positive, safe and intellectually stimulating environment.
- Everyone in the school community has a responsibility to promote and maintain a safe environment.
- Everyone must obey applicable laws and should be aware of their rights and the rights of others. More importantly, everyone should accept responsibility for protecting their rights and the rights of others.
- All members of the school community are to be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of positions of authority.
- Members of the school community have a responsibility to resolve conflicts and differences in a civilized and dignified manner with mutual respect for one another. Verbal threat or physical aggression with or without the use of an object is not a responsible way to deal with one another. This behavior is unacceptable and puts everyone’s safety at risk.
- Children’s safety and wellbeing are the top most priorities.
All school community members must:
- Place children’s safety and wellbeing above all other matters and promote a safe, friendly and intellectually stimulating environment that encourages learning and teaching

- Respect and follow all applicable laws
- Demonstrate honesty and integrity
- Respect the rights of others
- Acknowlege the differences in people and treat everyone equally regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age or disability
- Treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, especially when there is disagreement
- Show care and respect for school property and the property of others
- Take proper steps to help those in need
THE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR takes the leadership role in the daily operation of the school. She is responsible for:
- Delivering academic excellence in a positive, safe and intellectually stimulating learning environment
- Ensuring the School’s values are upheld when delivering our services and holding the school staff responsible for their behaviour and actions
- Communicating regularly and meaningfully with all members of the school community.
DIRECTRESSES, ASSISTANTS AND VOLUNTEERS, under the leadership of the administrator, help maintain order in the school, deliver our services to the highest standards and be role models for our students. As role models, they uphold these high standards when they:
- Help students develop to their full potential by embracing the Montessori philosophy
- Uphold the School’s values and differentiation in delivering our services
- Demonstrate respect for all students, staff and parents and maintain consistent standards for all
- Communicate regularly with parents and provide meaningful feedback regarding their child’s development and other issues
PARENTS AND GUARDIANS play an important role in the education of their children and we count on their support for maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment. Parents fulfill this responsibility when they:
- Show an active interest in their child’s education and development
- Ensure that their child attends school regularly and inform the school promptly if their child is unable to attend or is going to arrive late
- Ensure their child wears weather-appropriate clothing and he/she is not hungry in the mornings and brings proper lunches
- Communicate regularly with the School about any issues or concerns related to their child so that we can provide the needed attention and/or care
- Become familiar with the School’s rules and code of conduct and help the school staff maintain a safe and respectful learning environment