Not all Montessori Schools are the same!
As this video points out, not all Montessori schools follow the Montessori curriculum and practices. This leaves the difficult job of identifying the right school to you – the parents and guardians of the children. We recommend that you take your time to visit a few schools to observe their classrooms in action, paying particular attention to teacher-children interactions to assess the skills of the staff as well as if they truly follow the Montessori method before selecting one suitable for your child.
Reading about Montessori education before your visit will help you ask relevant questions to understand if they are an authentic Montessori school and whether they actually pay attention to each child’s individualistic development. You may also review our blogs categorized under Montessori Topics to get a good understanding of the elements of Montessori education.
Here is our recommendation for what you should do before selecting our school for your child:

- Call and speak to us. Have your first impression on the phone. Alternately, contact us using our website or email us for more information at
- Schedule a visit to meet us and get a tour of our school. This is usually done during off-school hours, weekends or holidays. You are welcome to ask plenty of questions to understand the workings of our school and Montessori education.
- Arrange for an observation of our classroom. We encourage you to observe between 9:15 am and 10:15 am for about 20 minutes to get a good understanding of how the classroom functions. Take notes and after your observation, the directress will step aside to answer your questions.
- Ask a lot of questions to understand what we can truly offer your child. We are passionate about Montessori education and firmly believe the foundation it provides for holistic development of our young children.
- Take a few days to think about your options. If you are convinced, complete and submit your enrolment package to register your child with us. We will nurture him or her as one of our own and rest assured that your child will be attending one of the safest and caring learning environments in Canada.