Freedom, independence and self-learning are important elements of a Montessori classroom

Our Montessori classroom is set up for children to be extremely independent, explore and learn with minimal guidance from the Directress. Hence, it is a good idea to encourage your children with similar settings at home to ease the transition.
Here are some simple ways to integrate Montessori in your home and ease your child into a smooth transition to the school environment:
Set up plates and cutlery in a cupboard accessible to them.
Ensure a healthy snack is available to them at all times (other than during meal times) in a drawer accessible by them.
Setup a small table and chair for them to use as snack or activity table.
Ask children to always tidy up after they are done with their meals or activities. Ensure they put away their things or toys before they access another.
A coat hook, shoe rack at their height will help them to be independent in dressing themselves.
Ensure they wear comfortable clothing that they can pull down without an adult’s help when they use the washroom. Encourage them to use the washroom without help. We are always there to help them in the classroom should they need help. However, it increases their confidence when they are able to do some of this on their own.
Buy them shoes with velcro straps as opposed to shoes with laces. Encourage them to put on and take off their shoes themselves.
Ensure they are comfortable using washrooms at places other than their home. One of the main issue we often face is that children do not like to using washrooms other than the ones in their homes.
Ensure weather-appropriate clothing is at a level accessible by them. Encourage them to pick their clothes for the following day and set it out the previous night. This will save a lot of hassle while getting ready for school in the mornings.
Engage them in a conversation about what they think should be packed in for lunch.

Above all, please talk to them about school. Ask them what they did at school. Let us know their preferences and dislikes. Let us know if there are changes in the home environment – e.g. mom or dad is away on business trip, someone is ill, or whatever else that could affect the mood of the child. The more we understand your child, the better we are able to help him/her comfortably adjust to the school environment and focus them on learning.